What is Custom Embroidery Patches?
The embroidery patches is a patch of embroidery designs. Also, it’s called as an embroidery badge. Custom embroidery patches is an embroidery design on a squire felt or fabric. Then we cut it around to make the raw edge shape. This way we make embroidery patches or embroidery badge. Mainly we make embroidery patch with felt. Because the felt is very nice and quality for the patches. Also, you can use fabric also but when you will use fabric, need to use thick fabric like twill or etc.

Twill fabric is a nice and thick fabric. It’s our first choice for any all over embroidery. Normally when we embroider some patches on the machine, we like to make it with an all over design. Because it saves time and saves manpower on the machine. Placing fabric and making the patches one by one is not a nice idea for big production. When you have a big quantity of badge of patches, then you can use this technique to save time.
What Embroidery Stitches Is Nice For Embroidery Patches?
There are a lot of embroidery stitches available that we already know. There is no special requirement for the using of stitches in custom embroidery patches. You can use any available embroidery stitches that you want. But for medium size patches, you can use Satin stitch. The Satin stitch is a common but nice embroidery designs stitch. Objects that the length of 1 CM or less, we can use this Satin stitch easily. It’s output very nice. Also, the smaller badges which is very small and the objects are even less than 1 MM, then we use Running stitch or Triple running stitch.
So, for the embroidery patches or embroidery badge, there is no special stitch requirements. You can decorate it according to your idea and according to the artwork shape. Almost all embroidery stitches work very well on thick fabric. And when it’s about embroidery patches, then there is nothing to explain more. It will be a very nice quality of embroidery if the size of the patches is standard.